Malampa Provincial Government Council, Lakatoro, Malekula
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 17:00

Over 3000 athletes and officials to attend upcoming National Secondary School Sports

The Malampa National Secondary School Sports Committee has confirmed that the upcoming national sports event in Lakotoro, Malekula will take place on the 22nd August -31st August 2021.

The Malampa Education PEO, Mr Lorenzo Samuel said that the official opening ceremony will take place on Sunday 22nd August. He stated that the national event which takes place every two year will over 3000 student athletes and officials in the game villages.

Mr Samuel confirmed that it is one of the biggest delegates compared to past events adding that the provincial team athletes have increased this year.

He stated that the first delegates should arrive in Malekula on the 17th August with the last set on the 20th August.
“Every participating team should be at the game villages by 20th August before the official opening ceremony kicks of on the 22nd August.

“There will be five game villages to cater for all provincial team including the two Municipality team. Two schools and three communities, Tautu, Uripiv and Litzlitz.

“VT30 mil was approved to cater for the national event with the National Sports Commission inputting VT10 mil towards the Wilkins Multipurpose court.

“Also, we have few financial assistances from the local organizing committee and few sponsorships.

“The Ministry of Education will look after the shipping arrangements for all participating teams.

Mr Samuel is appealing to communities in Malekula, MP’s and community leaders to provide contributions, whether food, financial assistance or any donation, towards the national event as well as Malampa is proud to host the event this year and to showcase Malampa.

With the dry season drawing in Malampa province, Mr Samuel is appealing to all team to take into consideration water logistics as well, as the number of delegates is very high. He encouraged athletes and officials to come with their beddings, food utensils and tents to organize themselves within their game villages.

He encouraged all teams to come with 1-2 vehicle to assist athletes as well during the game competitions.

The Malampa Education office is also appealing to business houses who wish to assist the event can contact Mr Samuel via phone contact #7719471 for further details.

Luganville is currently the defending champion. The last event took place in Tanna in 2019.

The event is one of the biggest events as well in country where schools come together every two years to battle out for the National championship title.